Summary: You can create a campaign from the dashboard. Use the options in there to set up email templates and view campaign-wide reporting.
Campaigns are collections of workflows. There can be many workflows within a single campaign. When workflows are grouped together in campaigns, you can view analytics for the campaign as a whole and apply the same email template to all the workflows.
The dashboard
When you open , you will see the dashboard. Here you can see your existing campaigns and can create new campaigns by clicking + Create new campaign in the top right corner.
Creating a new campaign
Enter a name (required) and a description (not required, but it is always useful to add who the campaign is aimed at, or what it entails). You can set a Default email template, but there’s no rush as you can add this later.
If you enable Allow campaign unsubscriptions some additional options will appear. See the unsubscribe guide to find out more.
Click Create and you can start adding workflows to your campaign.
Campaign permissions
You can control who can access and edit your campaign by setting permissions.
Go to the Dashboard, locate your campaign, and click Edit next to it.
- Click Edit permissions in the bottom right corner.
- All the settings here should be quite self-explanatory: